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Ready to Switch to Webflow? Here's Where to Start

At POWER SHIFTER, it's no secret that we're fans of using low-code and no-code platforms such as Webflow to help build websites, web applications, and mobile apps. 

(Low- and no-code platforms are those that require either little or no code development for users to build applications or websites. Some of the benefits of Webflow include a real-time visual builder, cutting down on development time, and saving on internal resources and costs.) 

Working with Webflow, a low-code web design platform, we've established ourselves as a leading low-code enterprise partner. That’s why we established our Fastlane division — because we believe that many web projects can be simplified through the transformative powers of these platforms. 

And while we're always happy to make the shift to Webflow for you, we also want to empower you to shift to low- and no-code platforms when you're ready. 

When to shift to Webflow

Low and no-code platforms won't be right for every project — but there are many instances in which you'll want to consider them. Some of these include:

  • You want to reduce the workload of your website team. Maybe your developer team is busy with complex projects, or perhaps you lack more technical developers. Either way, low-code allows you to bring your projects across the finish line with limited coding expertise. If your team is sinking time building or maintaining your website, it might be a sign to switch to a low-code solution.

  • You're on a tight schedule. Low and no-code platforms are your best friend when it comes to moving efficiently without sacrificing overall quality. If you're after faster development timelines, it may be time to make the switch. 
  • Your website requires constant updates and new pages. If you're tapping your developer team every-other day to make simple additions, copy changes, or updates to your web or application, chances are you'll benefit from a solution that empowers you to make easy changes on your own. 

  • You want to improve your website’s security. While platforms like Wordpress have many advantages, they are also common targets for cyberattacks. Security vulnerabilities in older themes, plugins, or core files are common on Wordpress, and can expose your website to potential risks if they are not regularly updated and maintained.

  • You're testing a new idea or approach. If you need to quickly prototype and test an idea or concept, a no-code builder can help you to create a mock-up site without investing extensive time in custom development.

  • You're staying simple. While low and no-code platforms can certainly be used for more complex websites or applications, they're definitely a top choice for anyone making a simple website or application with standard features and functionalities. Why bother with extensive custom code when it's not needed?

  • You’re getting complicated. No- and low-code solutions may not always be suitable for highly complex or specialized projects that demand custom coding. But they can be useful to speed up certain parts of a project using a hybrid approach that combines custom coding with no-code elements. Using a low-code platform to gain a head-start on the simple stuff frees your team to focus their efforts on the more technical sides of a project. 

How to start moving over to Webflow 

There are many steps you should take to ensure a smooth transition. Once you've identified your reasons to switch, here are some actions to get you there. 

1. Back up your current site 

Before making any changes, create a complete backup of your current website, including the database and all files. This backup will be essential in case anything goes wrong during the process of migrating your website. 

2. Set up your Webflow account

If you haven't already, sign up for a Webflow account and set up your project. This only takes minutes, and puts you well on your path to a well-designed and easy to manage site or application.

3. Identify the content you want to carry over to your new site 

A fresh platform is a fresh start. Now's a good time to audit your existing content to ensure it's representative of your brand and offerings.

4. Export your content

It's possible your current site has tools built-in to help you with this. WordPress export tools or plugins like "All-in-One WP Migration" or "WP Migrate DB" can help you to make this migration.

5. Organize, convert, and structure your content

Review your exported content and organize it in a way that aligns with your desired structure in Webflow. Convert any shortcodes or custom features into their equivalent elements in Webflow, as the platforms may have different ways of handling certain functionalities. 

6. Design your Webflow website or application  

Create your website's design in Webflow using its visual interface and design tools. Using Webflow's visual canvas and drag-and-drop functionality, you can easily and intuitively translate your vision into a beautiful and user-friendly design. 

Depending on the complexity of your build, you may tap your developer team or an external agency to add custom code to your low-code site to ensure everything functions exactly as you desire.

7. Ensure people can find your new website when they search for you online

To maintain SEO and ensure a smooth transition for visitors and search engines, set up 301 redirects from your old URLs to the corresponding URLs on the new Webflow website.

8. Mind your third-party integrations 

If your old website relies on any third-party services (e.g., email marketing, analytics, payment gateways), integrate them into your Webflow project. Webflow provides built-in integrations with some popular services, such as Google Analytics, Google Fonts, Mailchimp, Zapier, and others.

If Webflow doesn't have a built-in integration for the service you want to use, you can often integrate it using custom code or the HTML Embed element.

9. Gather feedback before you launch your new site

Your website is only as strong as your user experience. You may want to gather valuable user feedback, either from your internal team, a research group, or trusted colleagues, and iterate your site to ensure optimal usability. This will ensure minimal disruption to your customer base on your live website.

10. Launch, monitor, and make improvements to your site 

Once you've published your website to your domain, you should of course consistently monitor your performance and user experience. Gather feedback from users, adjust features as needed, and continue making use of Webflow's user-friendly platform to bring your ideal web product to fruition.

We've said it before and we'll say it again: Webflow shows no signs of slowing down, and is only becoming easier to use to meet specific needs. We're very excited to continue partnering with them via our Fastlane division, and to continue defining the standard of excellence for low-code products.

Ready to move at the speed of low-code? Get in touch.

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